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Tech Addict: Heartbeat in your ears

Tech Addict: Heartbeat in your ears

You may not have heard about Anker Innovation’s Soundcore brand, but they are making sure that you can hear like never before. If you look beyond the mainstream earbud/headphones offerings from companies like Samsung, Apple and Huawei, you’ll find some serious tech competition from the newest offering from soundcore (with a lowercase ‘s’), the Liberty 4....

Everything old is new again

Everything old is new again

Vintage fashion is great on the eye but not always so great on the purse. Alex Dobbin and Dan Peou are two friends who are pretty sick of it as well, and have decided to go on the offensive. And for vintage-obsessed Melburnians, it’s a breakthrough – launching a pop-up vintage clothing experience bringing retro...

Eliza Baker

Eliza Baker

Shopping in your pyjamas. Avoiding dressing room mirrors. The seemingly endless variety. There are many things you might love about shopping on your laptop, but even 5.1 million pixels can’t replicate the experience of perusing a beautifully crafted boutique. Capitalising on this truth is East Prahran’s Eliza Baker, which merges old world charm with contemporary...

sterling & hyde

sterling & hyde

Do you believe there’s only one out there for you? Or perhaps you like to string a few along — one to impress your colleagues and one for after hours?  Whatever your relationship with handbags, sterling & hyde will enrich it. Particularly if you like them European.   The Italian leather brainchild of Victoria’s Amy...

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