Home Articles Sydney Contemporary and Sydney Art Week Explore all Five Senses

Sydney Contemporary and Sydney Art Week Explore all Five Senses

by Amy Collins

SydContemporary_620x349“Art is anything you can get away with” – Words spoken by true and brave artist Andy Warhol.

A simple reminder that art has no boundaries. Art should be lived and experienced, not just in a museum, but also in the streets, through conversations, through sound, through touch, and even through taste.

Sydney Contemporary, Australia’s international art fair, has a line up of events that embraces this philosophy, including Sydney Art Week, a week long exploration of the arts through events and performances that take place from Monday September 7 to Sunday September 13.

SydContemporary_MonicaRohan_Deliberating_2015_60x80cm_oilonboard copy

Monica Rohan, Deliberating 2015

While the Sydney Contemporary art fair will showcase over 300 artists from over 90 galleries from the 10th until the 13th, Sydney Art Week will dive deeper into the senses with the Art and Dine program where Sydney’s leading restaurants (The Apollo, Longrain, Otto, and Riley St Garage) will create dishes inspired by art, and for the drinks artist Fiona Lowry has collaborated on a ‘Pink Frost’ cocktail that can be sipped at bars around town.

Shin Kwang Ho, Untitled

Shin Kwang Ho, Untitled

The late night art inspired fun will continue with Night Cap late nights starting at 10pm each night from the 10th to the 13th. Found in QT Hotel’s cinema and bar space, art lovers will come together to hear artists and curators talk all things art as they watch a film or a collection of images. Artists include Tracey Moffat, Fiona Lowry with Tim Silver, and Joan Ross. The conversation continues with Talk Contemporary, panel discussions that explore a range of topics from ‘Does gender matter in art’ to ‘Art in the light of our post internet age’.

Guy Maestri, Wrecked

Guy Maestri, Wrecked

Other big draw cards include Video Contemporary and Paper Contemporary, which will explore both the moving image and printmaker’s works.

Art in its many and varied forms. Exactly how Mr Warhol intended. 

For the full program head to the Sydney Contemporary official website


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