Home 2015 January

Month: January 2015

Mr Whippy is so Last Summer, Hello Pop-Tarts Ice Cream Sandwiches

Mr Whippy is so Last Summer, Hello Pop-Tarts Ice Cream Sandwiches

Hot sand, wild waves, and Greensleeves. That’s what summer is all about. Not anymore! No more Mr Whippy. Those generic soft serves are so last summer. This year it’s all about the ice cream sandwich. The Pop-Tarts ice cream sandwich that is. The Pop-Tarts #CrazyGood caravan is roaming the streets this summer, serving up free,...

The Skinny Duck Feeds Melbourne

The Skinny Duck Feeds Melbourne

If you’re living in Melbourne and don’t reside under a rock you’d know that Heston Blumenthal’s Fat Duck is opening in Melbourne. ‘Tickets’ are over $500 a head, and you need to win a ballot to purchase said tickets. A little insane, yes? We’ve been over in our heads all the things we could buy...

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