Home Articles Immerse yourself in darkness for a chilling night like no other

Immerse yourself in darkness for a chilling night like no other

Immerse yourself in darkness for a chilling night like no other
Even just the thought of what could be inside gives us goosebumps

“This is your captain speaking. Don’t be scared” he whispers into my left ear. Only I can hear him. I am the chosen one.

Greeting you behind the Powerhouse in Ultimo, is a couple of mysterious shipping containers that glow like beacons against the sunset and surrounding brick landscape. These are Flight and Séance, two of the most popular Darkfield creations, a collection of immersive 360 degree audio experiences blending technology and theatre in the most mind-bending ways.

Milling around are other dubious punters waiting for their turn to enter. Once inside you take a seat nervously giggling around the séance table or in the fully decked out airplane passenger cabin.

In our case we started with Séance. With headphones on, the container door closes, the light disappears, and the audio experience will play tricks that will leave you guessing what was real and what was the result of the dark places in your mind.

We don’t want to give too much away here, the beauty of Darkfield is in the ears of the beholder. Having said this, it should be noted we had a lot of fun. This writer and her friend exchanged notes on our own Schrödinger Cat theories, and ‘did your séance guy have on a top hat and velvet jacket?’ All the big questions.

Do note there are no restroom facilities nor is there anywhere onsite slinging a drink in between experiences. After our Séance session we needed some liquid courage and wandered quickly toward Steam Mill Lane where we luckily found some takeaway margaritas from Wingboy to help steel our resolve before Flight. Afterwards we went back to Steam Mill for fried chicken at Nakano Darling. The perfect comfort food to ease the goosebumps.

Darkfield Sydney at the Powerhouse has extended its run through till July 2, 2023. Run time approx 25 mins per experience, multiple times daily except Mondays. Not suitable for those under 13. 

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