To make things even more interesting, they have brought in one of the greats to help out up the front. This Friday the 7th of February, The Fitzroy Bikram Studio is hosting Chaukei Ngai who is the current international female yoga asan champion.
She will be teaching a class and showing us all how it’s done. If you’ve always wanted to see yoga’s best do all the moves you’re not quite nailing yet, this is your chance.
Even when Ngai isn’t around, you’ll be in very safe hands. The owners of the Fitzroy studio completed their teacher-training course with Bikram Choudhury himself in LA and are the only studio in Melbourne who offer the specialized Bikram Advanced Series. Now don’t get any crazy ideas to throw yourselves head first into this one. The Advanced Series is only for people who have done their teacher training and have some serious yogi ability and who are considering entering the yearly yoga championships. But if it’s your thing and you have trained to that level, this is where you should look.
If not, go along and try your hand at Bikram. You never know, you could end up at the championships.
Bikram Fitzroy
24-26 Johnston Street Fitzroy, Melbourne
(03) 9416 4422