Australians Ruby Boukabou and Ben Palumbo – aka Jazmin and Monsieur P – have been lighting up the clubs of Europe with their Autumn Leaves tour, but are now bringing their combination of tap, song, theatrics and vaudeville home again. The new show, Parisian Rendez-Vous, charts their adventures in the city of love in a series of burlesque numbers and show tunes.
In Melbourne tonight and tomorrow, Jazmin and Monsieur P are joined by local chanteuse Wendy Lee Taylor, home for holidays from her residency at Paris’s Lido, and the illuminated works of Parisian street art photographer Julien Thonnard.
Parisian Rendez-Vous
24 and 25 February 2012
Downstairs at Alma’s, 1 Wilks Street, North Caulfield
Tickets are $25 from