Home Articles Sydney Work hard – play hard – eat fit food

Work hard – play hard – eat fit food

Eat Fit Food on the go
Pick the dietary habit applicable to you:

A) Running late, skip breakfast.
B) Typical lunch – a coffee and sushi roll on the go, but don’t really feel full.
C) 4pm – sugar craving hit! A dive to the biscuit jar or some other evil snack in your supplies drawer (promise to work it off ‘later’).
D) Can’t deal with cooking dinner; sift through favourite take-away pamphlets for a dinner fix.
E) All of the above.

You work hard, get on and off the emotional eating roller coaster when stressed and it’s easy to neglect your diet. Do yourself a favour and sign up for the Eat Fit Food regime.

EFF is a nutritional and calorie controlled delivery of meals and snacks prepared by a chef and dietician.  Delivered straight to your doorstep each morning the beauty is in the convenience; up to 4 generous portions that are ready to eat, or need just a few minutes of heating.

The new summer menu is adamant that taste buds don’t suffer.  There’s Ginger and garlic poached chicken with Asian greens, asparagus and tamari almonds; Lime and coconut poached chicken with brown rice and Asian greens; and our favourite, Orange, beetroot and goats cheese salad with rocket and orange sesame dressing. 

Feel better physically and mentally, more energetic, and get back into a healthier routine. Slim down (potential to lose around 2-5kgs over a 10-day period) and remove the guilt.

Eat Fit Food
T: (02) 9387 7771
Healthy Eating weight loss program $35.90 – $56.95/day plus delivery fee
10-day detox & cleanse program – $56.95/day plus delivery fee

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