What can you get for a twenty

There ain’t much you can buy for less than a twenty along design laden Oxford Street. At least that’s what you thought.

For the next six months you can shop for gorgeous goods from burgeoning young creatives at Oxford Street Design Store where absolutely everything is under $20.

The brainchild of Tough Titties bloggers Louise Helliwell and Alex De Bonis, they’re trafficking in sweet wares from local designers, artists and writers – and all at bargain basement prices.

On top of the intrinsic brand collecting opportunity, there’s a spot at the back of the store for workshops – and if your boss is cool with it, you can even migrate from your sterile cubicle to their for-hire desk space. The damage? $3 per hour.

Displayed on milk crates and in a wall of cardboard tubes (a work of art itself) you’ll find charming illustrations from Forgotten Fancies, graphic stationary from letterpress collective Hungry Workshop and Kit Palaskas’ macramé plant hangers.

Grab your coin purse and get a whole lot more than you bargained for.

Oxford Street Design Store
58 Oxford Street, Darlinghurst 2010
Open Wednesday 12 – 5pm; Thursday 12 – 9pm; Friday, Saturday & Sunday 12 – 6pm
T: 0405 752 372

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