What are you looking at

When you see the acronym TOFF, don’t immediately assume it’s about posh British people. TOFF also stands for The Other Film Festival; Australia’s only disability film festival.

The big difference with this festival is that it screens contemporary cinema by, with and about people with disabilities. Who better to understand the emotion, humour and drama then those who actually experience disability first hand?

With more than 35 films from Australia and an international country list including Israel, Italy, South Korea, Russia and Iceland, this biennial event also hosts seminars and panel discussions to compliment the film screenings.

Some of the highlights? Try:
1.    Eyeborg (Canada) – Director, Rob Spence lost his eye in a teenage shooting accident and created the world’s first prosthetic eye-camera called “Eyeborg”.
2.    The Sunshine Boy (Iceland) – A documentary showcasing a mother’s quest to understand her son’s disability, this film is narrated by Kate Winslet with a soundtrack by Sigur Ros and Björk.
3.    Zig Zag Love (UK) – A unique tale about sex, virginity and death, two teenagers make a pact to lose their virginity despite being long-term hospital patients.

Fine films from a fresh perspective.

The Other Film Festival
Melbourne Museum
25-29 August 2010
11 Nicholson Street, Carlton, 3053

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