We brake for cake

Rocket Fuel Scavenger Hunt
You’re on yer bike to keep fit, show a bit of your competitive side, also be green smart shunting from A – B. And now thanks to Susan Goodwin, Designer ofRocket Fuel, there’s a time to simply pedal for good old fashioned fun. 

She’s inviting anyone with two wheels, disposed towards scavenger hunts and has a touch of sartorial splendour to take part in We Brake for Cake.

Simply turn up at Taylor’s Square (look for the Susan with her stack of helium balloons), register and receive your Clue Sheets.  Quickly suss out the competition (there’s points for cutest outfits and how sweet your bike looks) for at 1.15pm, the hunt is on.

You’ll be searching for clues, persuading others to give you an item or do something for you.  We’ve been sworn to secrecy on the ins and outs, but let’s assume it’s all in the details when it comes to the City. You might like to practice co-ordination skills whilst riding and fitting your cruiser into tight spaces. Be nice to the checkpoint ‘scouts’ too – during the hunt they’ll be reporting back to HQ.

At the end there’s a BBQ and you can vie for more treasure.  A selection of Rocket Fuel’s new range including gorgeous floral vintage basket covers will be for the taking.

We Brake For Cake Girls Scavenger Hunt
Sunday 6 September 2009, 1pm
Kicking off at Taylor’s Square
Oxford Street, Darlinghurst 2010
Bring your bike, a pen, $5 entry, a bag or basket, bike lock and some money to buy your scavenger hunt items.

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