Tri team challenge

Paddy Pallin Adventure Series
It’s a scene that’s been played out with your colleagues many times over. Beginning as innocent repartee someone lays down the fitness dare; you end up as the only candidate to defend company pride in a sports game or contest.  Lucky you’re up for the challenge.

It’s how you might be introduced to a Paddy Pallin Adventure Race.  But one race on and you’ll be roping others in to compete. A ‘secret’ event, you’re given maps on the day to find your way from checkpoint to checkpoint in teams of three travelling together by mountain bike, kayak and on foot.

You don’t have to be super fit, but expect to cover around 7-10km on foot, 15-20km on bike, 4-6km by kayak, and possibly short swims with life jackets. Some legs will involve ‘slow and steady’ tactics, others sprints to get ahead.

Teamwork and a good strategy can often out-pace the quickest or strongest. But somewhere on the last few checkpoints pray your Roctane kicks in.

Paddy Pallin Adventure Race Series
18 April 2009
Lake Macquarie, Central Coast NSW
Entries close four days prior to event date.  Early bird entries close 14 days prior to event date.
Novice course approx 1-2 hours, Classic course approx 3-5.5hrs to complete
$90 per person or $270 per team of three

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