Tres Chic Trivia

Trivia Night for Style Queens
Forget the beer swilling trivia night at the local leagues club surrounded by sport buffs and closet historians. The best you’re going to do is leave with a meat tray – more likely, a hangover. 

In a fashionable twist, there’s a new trivia event in town designed to test the well heeled women of Sydney.  

Release your inner gossip files and replace the schooner with champagne at Style Queen Trivia, a mobile trivia event designed to be held in the comfort of your living room, office or backyard.  You can also take it up a notch and test your stiletto knowledge in a fine dining forum; book a mid-week private function with all the frills at Victoria Room in Darlinghurst. 

Over an enjoyable hour, Style Queen Trivia aims to test your well manicured brain and crown one sublimely celeb-savvy lady (or lad) the Style Queen. Expect to be tested on celebrity break-ups, make-ups and hook-ups. On movies, fashion designers, dresses and trends. 

Budge over geography geeks; river systems of the world are categorically off the menu.

Style Queen Trivia
Name the place – it’s mobile so they’ll come to you.
T: 0423 042 418
$35pp with a minimum group size of 8

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