If curious, head down to Village Melbourne on the first weekend of August to snaffle the wares of Beatbox Kitchen, Cornutopia, Gumbo Kitchen, The Curry Truck and the debut of The Brûlée Cart. Trucks will be rotated on a monthly basis, with Chingon and White Guy Cooks Thai confirmed for September.
With picnic table seating for sunlovers and booths for bad weather, as well as a fully licensed bar serving wine, craft beers and the diabolical lovechild of beer and margaritas, the Lagerita, Trailer Park is a fun place to dig in and relax.
When visiting Trailer Park, don’t be fooled with the apartment sign leading people to believe that Village Melbourne is sleeping. Enter from Moubray Street and Trailer Park awaits you.
Trailer Park
Saturdays & Sundays, 12pm – 8pm
557 St Kilda Road Melbourne (entry via Moubray Street)
Twitter: @trailerparkmel