Come along and luxuriate in the culinary prowess of seeded doubles like Hamish Ingham and Damien Pignolet, Thomas Lim and Jeremy Strode and Mitch Orr and Giovanni Pilu for what will surely be a heated game.
To match these heavyweight plates are the cocktail stylings, sommelier winings and front-of-house witchcraft of the likes of Kylie Javier from Duke Bistro, Gabrielle Webster from Bloodwood and Richard Hargreave from Bilson’s, just to name a few.
In their own words, ‘[TOYS] is a collective born from the desire to prove what the next generation are capable of when left to their own devices. It’s about action; pushing the culinary envelope, rather than trash-talking the status quo.’
You’ll like the way they think (and the way they do).
[TOYS] Collective dinner
Sunday 17 July 2011, $220 plus booking fee
Porteno, 358 Cleveland Street Surry Hills 2010