Vintage & Collectables
Chapel St Bazaar – Prahran
If you’re after some retro furniture, bakelite accessories, vintage movie posters, antique Jewellery or just about everything else collectable, then you’ve probably heard of Chapel St Bazaar. If not, prepare to take a walk down the memory lanes of the 20’s to the 90’s and everything else imbetween. Tip: Allow a good couple of hours to visit – it will take this long to get through half the store! Seriously.
217 Chapel St Prahran, Melbourne 3181
T: 03 9529 1727
Shag – City, Fitzroy, Windsor
Shag is somewhat of an institution for Vintage clothing in Melbourne with its unique blend of designer vintage, classic vintage and fabulous range of accessories. Mixed with ‘vintage inspired’ pieces from Hong Kong, the Shag stores are all about over the top visual merchandising. Tip: Don’t shop in this store if you’re hung over, it’s a visual sensation.
Centre Way Arcade, 259 Collins Street, Melbourne 3000
T: 03 9663 8166
377 Brunswick Street, Fitzroy, Melbourne 3065
T: 03 9417 3348
130 Chapel Street, Windsor, Melbourne 3181
T: 03 9510 8817
Lost & Found – Collingwood
A large indoor market, Lost and Found is full of vintage furniture, lighting, art, fashion, books, records and bric-a-brac. Having recently moved further down the road to a converted warehouse, this new space has mini rooms set up with different sections for each area. Tip: If you like to hunt for your treasures, this place will soothe your addiction.
12 Smith Street Collingwood, Melbourne, 3066
Angelucci 20th Century – Fitzroy & Windsor
If vintage furniture is more your thing, you’ll be happy to know the fabulous Angelucci 20th Century store in Windsor has a Fitzroy sister store offering the best in local and international decorative furnishings and designer pieces from the 50’s and 60’s. Pick up a Danish side-table, vintage wallpaper or some a slime line lounge. Tip: Ask which pieces can be made to order as they reproduce some original styles.
92 High Street Windsor, Melbourne, 3181
T: 03 9525 1271
113 Smith Street Fitzory, Melbourne, 3065
T: 03 9415 8001
Indigo Junction – Brunswick East
If your tastes are a bit more retro kitsch than stylish and slim-line, you might prefer Indigo Junction, who specialise in Australian and international retro, kitsch and vintage furntiture, art and collectables. You’ll find the who’s who of designers like Eames, Chiswell, Noblett and Parker as well as some unexpected finds. Tip: Check out their website, as they sell some pieces online.
177 Lygon Street, Brunswick East, Melbourne, 3057
T: 03 9381 02019
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