It’s certainly not the embarrassment of wandering the streets in your local shopping strip afterwards. You know…when you’re fresh from a peel treatment and you run into your ex-boyfriend with his glamorous new lover and you feel more tomato than woman?
So three cheers for The Travelling Peelsman and the opportunity to have your advanced skincare and cosmeceutical solutions come to you, in the privacy of your own home.
Picture it: you in your trakkies and slippers, if you like, glass of wine (or cup of tea) at the ready, Oprah-re-runs on the TV. And you (some friends if you’d like to host a fabulously fun Skin Soiree, optional) being exfoliated and chemical-peeled until your pores gleam.
Mr Peelsman’s team is fully qualified and passionate about skincare so they’ll ensure a personalised treatment to suit your skin’s unique needs. If you need a referee, try this for size: The Travelling Peelsman won the 2012 Australian Beauty Industry Awards’ Best Customer Care category.
The Travelling Peelsman
M: 0414 596 111