Home Articles The School of Life makes a home in Melbourne

The School of Life makes a home in Melbourne

The School of Life makes a home in Melbourne

The School of Life aphorisms (credit David Michael)Some argue that things like relationships and happiness should be taught in primary and secondary schools. It’s interesting to consider a world where these skills are favoured over algebra and physics. Of course, we can’t answer these questions, but The School of Life, a place for adults to come and learn, is trying to make a step in this direction. 

The brainchild of Alain de Botton, The School of Life, which started in London, came to Melbourne last year for a summer term. Recently we welcomed the news that The School of Life Melbourne will be a permanent fixture as of March 26 2014 in its new home in 669 Bourke Street, Melbourne.

The opening of the school will coincide with Alain de Botton’s visit to Australia and lucky for us he’s delivering a Secular Sermon as part of an Art as Therapy event is being held in partnership with The School of Life and the National Gallery of Australia. Tickets won’t last long for this one.

Classes at the school will cover; how to have better conversations, how to make love last, how to face death, and how to make a difference.

Tickets are now on sale for the upcoming term and we suggest you get in early.


 The School of Life
669 Bourke Street Melbourne 3000
T: 03 8534 8021



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