It’s a conference, Jim, but not as we know it.
Gone are the memories of a musty university lecture hall, and in their place are seven of our country’s most successful artists wielding technology far cooler than a PowerPoint slide.
The inaugural Field Trip is a creative conference that doesn’t just open the doors to that bizarre realm known as The Artist’s Mind but takes you gallivanting through it. And if you’ve ever looked at something as brilliantly outlandish as Toby & Pete’s mind-bending 3D mastery or Jo Duck’s dynamic dance snaps, this is something you’ve definitely wanted to do.
Other artists laying bare their visions and generating new ones include Jeremy Ley, Travis Price, Tin&Ed and hippie-turned-hotshot Beci Orphin. All are represented by local creative powerhouse The Jacky Winter Group, and will be performing a unique ‘act’ letting you inside their minds through live video feeds and screencasts.
And what’s a good conference without a killer after-party? Save the awkward schmoozing and head to Order of Melbourne to supplement the visual spectacle with three levels of DJ tunes.
Now that’s a conference with a kick.
The Field Trip
Australian Centre for the Moving Image, Federation Square, Russell Ct, Melbourne, VIC 3000
Friday 20 April 2012
9am – 6pm
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