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The 24 Hour Experience

The 24 Hour Experience

From the rooftop pool of The Adelphi to The Victorian Institute of Forensic Science, we all know art happens all over the place in Melbourne. And now, this March Melbourne is set to steal the Australian title for the city that never sleeps. From midday on March 29th until midday on March 30th, The 24...

Hooroo: A New Way to Travel

Hooroo: A New Way to Travel

Remember the days when you used to rely on a real life travel agent for holiday advice? Well now there’s a way you can score far more than 2-for-1 tickets to the breakfast buffet. Hooroo is a new kind of travel site offering untold stories, inside tips and over 4,500 places to stay around Australia...

An Etiquette Guide to Melbourne Cup

An Etiquette Guide to Melbourne Cup

Frocks, fillies and faux pas – the dos and don’ts on race day
The event that almost single-handedly keeps milliners in business is looming. And if there’s one Cup Day phenomenon that draws even more attention than ostentatious hats, it’s exhibits of less-than-classy behaviour. 

 So how do you balance having a good time with maintaining...

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