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A New Hatted Restaurant? Could Korean soul food be the next hot trend? – Soul Dining

A New Hatted Restaurant? Could Korean soul food be the next hot trend? – Soul Dining

Gotta love a bit of soul. Marvin Gaye, Barry White, Aretha Franklin they took us to new places of happiness, challenged the cultural boundaries and were ahead of their time. We think Soul Dining does the same. This isn’t an ordinary Korean restaurant, nor is this an ordinary dining experience. It a fusion of souls...

Traditional Indian gets a makeover at Don’t Tell Aunty  

Traditional Indian gets a makeover at Don’t Tell Aunty  

Looking for a good curry but don’t want the same old Indian? Don’t Tell Aunty is loud and proud about being “unauthentic Indian” – Indian that is driven by creativity and fun rather than rule and tradition (that’s why we can’t tell Aunty!). Greeted by bright, cheerful blue and pink walls and 70s retro Bollywood music,...

The coolest new Italian joint in town

The coolest new Italian joint in town

It’s golden and glossy, perfectly round, and got a very nice wobble. Burst this baby open and you still wouldn’t suspect a thing. So just why is a humble egg yolk causing a bit of a buzz around town? The piece de resistance atop a charcoal-activated carbonara at the brand new Mark + Vinny’s Spaghetti...


Playing With Firedoor

Those cavemen were onto something – no amount of gas, induction, solid-plate electric makes food taste like fire does. Flame and food may have moved forward a few million years but we are rediscovering our Homosapien roots thanks to Firedoor for creating a new seasonal menu (which has us wishing for the time dinosaurs roamed...


Our Sydney Mexican Food Guide

Burritos, baby, burritos! Here’s Sydney’s Mexican Food Guide. Provecho! Mejico Market-to-table Mexican is their catch cry and they definitely do bring the market to the table. Start your meal with tableside guacamole – choose your ingredients and watch them get smashed up in a mortar and pestle right at the table. Make sure you’re hungry; the...

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