Photography is an every day occurrence now with the technological advancements of phones. Right? You’ve got pictures in your phone of your breakfast, your feet at the tram stop, and a few screenshots of hilarious things you’ve seen on the internet. But sometimes it makes us forgot about the true art and beauty of photography....
Tag: photography
Our Photography Guide to Learning the Tricks of the Trade
In the age of iPhones and Instagram, everyone is a photographer. But, let’s be honest not everyone is a good photographer. Photos, when taken well can be amazing. They capture moments like nothing else; they create windows into a story, an exchange, a place. We love a good photo, which is why we’ve rounded up...
As You Dreamt It
Most dreams are just plain weird, and can usually be interpreted as a psychological rejection of that leftover curry you ate just before slipping into bed. Recurring dreams are slightly more disconcerting. It’s the latter that this unique Sydney exhibition seeks to explore. Calling upon a few daring lensmen to bring those most private and...
Pop life
It sounds like the dream career: from design assistant to fashion illustrator to one of the world’s most influential photographers. Brian Duffy helped capture Swinging London during the 60s and he is often named in the same breath as David Bailey and Terence Donovan (indeed, as a group they were known as the Terrible Three)....