Ho Jiak Malaysian in Town Hall is your newest holiday at home.
DELICIOUS. It’s our one word review for Ho Jiak. Delicious deserves to be in all caps because we would shout it from the rooftops…
DELICIOUS. It’s our one word review for Ho Jiak. Delicious deserves to be in all caps because we would shout it from the rooftops…
There’s something quite therapeutic about the sound of food being cooked in the wok. It’s the clanging of the spatula against the sides that…
Arrh the humble CBD food court, fluro lighting, food in bain-marie, plastic chairs and very high probably of mystery meat in your ramen. Not…
You know how the saying goes: Thrilling at thirty, fabulous at forty. But what happens when you turn the big Five-Oh? When it comes…
Collingwood is welcoming a new friend in the form of pink hued Malaysian food. What is it, you ask? Sugar Prawn, a new…
Crowds are so 2014. Ok ok, we’d still line up at Mamak no matter the wait time because the food is quite frankly worth…
The search for the perfect Laksa can do strange things to people; it can remedy man-flu, create a momentary loss of fashion sense as…