Finding yourself doing chair dips and dragging the coffee table across the room trying to find the rush of endorphins you’ve been missing from the gym? Or are you starting out, making the most of the extra time you have on your hands and getting some exercise on? There is nothing better for your sanity,...
Tag: covid19
Snack right suggestions to make you feel alright
Without the judging (or is it conspiratorial eyes) looking at you every time you open your snack drawer, working from home can often mean more hours leaning inside your fridge. We’ve compiled a list of snacks that will help you get the day, feel great and keep in check with your food philosophy. Roasted chickpea...
Working from Home? Our Daily Addict Writers share their local favourites
Many of us are now working from home, so if you are practicing social distancing, let’s continue to support our local cafe’s and restaurants, they need all our help and it may not be that much longer we can do so. Our writers have spent months and years taste testing the best across our city....