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Young Minds

Young Minds

Kids today, huh? Everyone has an opinion but what is really going on with them? And what can we do to make sure they have the best possible shot at growing into happy, productive adults? Young Minds is a two-day conference that focuses on crucial issues around childhood development. Bringing together the biggest of big...

Guide to Vivid Ideas

Guide to Vivid Ideas

Don’t be distracted by the pretty colours – Vivid gives you the chance to do so much more than just rug up and sip merlot under a Sydney Opera House covered in psychedelic light patterns. When the city turns into a veritable playground of live music and trippy laser lights this week, incite your mind...

The Field Trip

The Field Trip

It’s a conference, Jim, but not as we know it. Gone are the memories of a musty university lecture hall, and in their place are seven of our country’s most successful artists wielding technology far cooler than a PowerPoint slide. The inaugural Field Trip is a creative conference that doesn’t just open the doors to...

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