Sydney’s workers, businesses and artists are suffering. Here’s how YOU can help.

Amid all this unsettling and emotionally charged news around town due to Coronavirus (COVID-19) it is extremely tough to navigate what next steps are in our day to days.

Whilst the DA team are definitely feeling deflated we are trying to push forward. We hope to take on board the information we are receiving and turn it into something useful and constructive for our beloved local small businesses, big Aussie businesses, and struggling artists and venues. We also want nothing more than to keep our beloved audience and readers informed and on the pulse.

Here’s a list of things we can do to minimise the impact in these crazy times, to not go totally bonkers, and to still have some fun whilst helping our fellow man.

NOTE: We will add to this as we gain new news and please do reach out with anything you think would be helpful! We would love to hear from you! 


  • Whether it be fashion, food produce or day to day products we all need to make the effort now more than ever to support our local Aussie businesses. They are feeling the heat and being hit hard. If we don’t help today we may not have a chance tomorrow. 
  • Spread the word or share on social media – Let’s talk to each other about the great initiatives and positive steps that small businesses and people in general are generating to aid others. With all the negativity out there it’s important to celebrate the visionaries and people trying to make a difference – no matter how small. 
  •  Is someone you love in the health industry? Do you know a teacher? Do you have a friend in the struggling music, art, hospitality or airline industry? See how they are or thank them for all of their hard work. Have elderly or scared family members and friends? Check in regularly and send them love. #weareallinthistogether
  • Buy a voucher for a restaurant you love 
  • Do you have tickets to an amazing upcoming event, live gig or performance? Why not allow the money to stay with the artist you love so much by ways of donation. Opera Australia are encouraging people to either donate their ticket amount or exchange their ticket for a winter show rather than refund it. Home grown Aussie artists are asking people to do the same in support as well as urging fans to buy merch and to stream their music to help during this rocky time. Let’s all help the arts stay alive!
  • Take the time to rest from social media and the news
  • Stop hogging the TP, hand sanitizer and food goods my good dudes! Let’s all cease the general barbaric behaviour in shopping centres. Sharing is caring. 

If you are inside ill or in quarantine :

  • Make requests to radio stations to play Aussie artists! This will help to raise their royalties as musicians are unable to go ahead with live performances and are losing paying gigs. Watch live stream music from rad local artists like Montaigne (winner of Australian Eurovision song contest) who will often perform live on her instagram. Follow their social media and send them love! 
  • Create a Netflix multi viewing party with Netflix Chrome multi view and virtually join your friends in some old school movie marathon action! 
  • Order in from your favourite local venue and push some much needed cash into the hospitality industry!
  • Enter a restaurant voucher auction at not-for-profit hospo collective Grow Assembly who are using funds raised by the auctions to aid more venues. 
  • Donate to Meals on Wheels to ensure the elderly are eating properly and have people checking in on them regularly. Donate here 
  • Take care of your mental and physical health by staying active. With new options popping up offering live stream classes from your local studios or even national streaming studios like I Am That Yoga. You will be helping them stay afloat too! Or video call a friend (or two) and have a live at home dance party to get that blood pumping and the endorphins high 

If you are socially isolating yet still healthy:

  • Donate Blood! The Australian Red Cross is in urgent need of blood donations and needs your help! Jump on their website here to see if you are eligible and help save a life! 
  • Order ahead and pick up from your local businesses and venues (its win win as supermarkets are low on staff and supplies and local venues need our aid!) 
  • Contact your local venues to see if they have contactless orders or new take-away menus in place 
  • Physically volunteer at Meals on Wheels here to ensure the elderly are still cared for and properly fed. 
  • Volunteer at OzHarvest and help feed Aussies in need
  • Support your small local stores, wine bars, hole in the wall restaurants and brands. Help them get through this real low patch and out the other side! 
  • Take food from a local small business or cafe to a loved one or friends in quarantine to leave on their doorstep and cheer them up (remember – no talking or touching though – 6 foot rule peeps!)
  • Take a mate some hand sanitiser or a few rolls of TP. Little acts of generosity are good for the soul and if we all do something small today, imagine the impact on tomorrow! 

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