Hear the birds tweet at outdoor training

Tweet tweet. That’s the sound of birds chirping in the wee hours of a Monday morning as you make your way to outdoor training in Centennial Park. Or how about the sound of waves crashing and shockingly beautiful sunrises over Bondi beach? All of a sudden the 5.30am alarm seems not too bad at all, right!?

Add to this good people, lots of laughs and most of all, a hell of a lot of hard work – and you’re well on your way to having a butt like Jen in no time.

We’ve hustled our way through Sydney’s best outdoor group training to give you a shortlist of the very best – now you have NO excuses!  Get those tail feathers shaking people.

East Side Crew
What: Group training, personal training, run-club, biathlons
Where: Bronte, Bondi, Coogee

Evolution To Wellbeing
What: Group training, personal training
Where: Inner West, North Shore, Eastern Suburbs

Dangerously Fit Boot Camp
What: Boot Camp, personal training, run group
Where: Eastern Suburbs, CBD, North Shore, Inner West, Sutherland Shire, St George

Pain in the Domain
What: Free run group
Where: The Domain, Sydney CBD (Free every Tuesday)
Girls Only, Sorry Boys

Body Beyond Baby
What: Pre and post-natal workouts for Mums (with on-site nannies)
Where: Centennial Park, Queens Park

Bottoms Up
What: Group fitness for women
Where: Bondi, Centennial Park, Rushcutters Bay Park, Waverly Park

She Fitness
What: Boot camp and personal training for women
Where: Eastern Suburbs, CBD, Inner West, City South and North

Booty Camp
What: Boot camp for women
Where: Eastern Suburbs, Inner West, Sydney West, North Shore, Northern Beaches, Sutherland Shire, Wollongong

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