New collection launch and competition
So you’ve probably seen the big fuss over “street style snaps” where stylish urban city dwellers loiter in doorways, with bicycles and generally looking like their “I just threw it on” outfit didn’t take four hours to co-ordinate. Why should fashion have all the fun you say?
Well Zuster has come to the rescue with a stylish invitation encouraging the interior stylist in you to go forth and be rewarded. So, if you have a favourite Zuster piece, like the April dining table or maybe you store your cutlery in the Pearl buffet, you just have to take a photo of your Zuster piece in living action (with a carefully curated living environment worthy of Casa Vogue) and email it to the Zuster crew.
Bill Tikos, publisher and editor of The Coolhunter will assist in the judging process with Zuster, so spaghetti stained tablecloths and chipped furniture need not apply.
Look out too for the new “Jade” collection as part of Saturday in Design. The gorgeous Zuster showroom will be transformed with new product, window displays and installations.
In case you’re wondering what Zuster stands for, its “sister” in Dutch, which is fitting, given four sisters run the furniture and interiors business of creating Australian contemporary furniture design with an emphasis on quality and craftsmanship.
370 Swan Street, Richmond, Melbourne 3121
T: 03 9427 7188
Saturday in Design 6-7 August 2010
Entries for Styled by You competition close July 30
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