Home Articles Eat & Drink Studio Neon wonderland

Studio Neon wonderland

Studio Neon wonderland

Enter the wonderland that is Studio Neon and be met with intrigue and delight.

Imagine paint-splattered concrete floors, exposed brick walls, mix match furniture, chandeliers, candelabras, disco balls, mannequins’ legs, a piano. Then add a commercial kitchen and liquor license, and you have what can only be described as one of our most eclectic underground dining experiences.

Sound like a killer party venue? It is. You organise the people (up to 90 of your nearest and dearest) and they’ll sort out the rest. Food – tick. Booze – tick. Awesome venue with loads of character – tick.

They’ve even got the theming covered with one of the best props boxes you’ve seen since year 10 drama class. And the food is, well, whatever you want it to be. But it’s good, and there’s plenty of it.

Kick back at one of their 20-metre long banquet tables, share good food and wine with friends, and let the good times roll.


Studio Neon
Levels 2 and 3, 136 Raglan Street, Waterloo 2017
T: 0404 555 098

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