smile, i know what i’m doing

So you and everyone else has a digital camera these days…it’s compact, take shots with two mega pixels more than you’ll ever need and on nights out with friends you don’t leave home without it. But do you know how to really use it?    

 Learn how to take those ‘wow’ shots, without making your target stand still for four attempts or stopping short-tempered traffic. From digital to darkroom the Australian Centre for Photography Workshop offers a world class program of short courses, special workshops and master classes.

 Their annual program covers a vast array of topics, everything from pinholes to pixels, both fine art and commercial. You can get camera competent in areas including lighting, camera craft, Photoshop, portraiture, still life, photojournalism and fashion. 

 From a two-day basic foundation course learning how to use your digital camera, to the intensive 10-week fine Art Black & White workshop for pros, photography methods are taught in purpose built lighting studios, colour and black and white darkrooms, film processing and digital suites. 

 Instruction is given by digital imaging professionals and some of Australia’s leading photographers – you can expect tutors in the league of Murray Van Der Veer or Murray McKeich. Classes are run in small groups with support and having fun in mind, but if you prefer undivided attention opt for a private tuition to suit your individual needs. Typical classes are three hours long, held weekly and require a $30 annual membership plus workshop fees. 

 Learn to capture the shots that are worth a thousand words, or at the very least, the way you really want.

ACP Workshops, bookings now being taken for term one, second intake starting 10 March. Australian Centre for Photography, 257 Oxford Street, Paddington 2021, (02) 9332 1455.

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