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SLOPES Art Gallery

SLOPES Art Gallery

Kez HughesThe art world in Melbourne has a new kid on the block, and this new kid is aiming to make a difference as a not-for-profit art gallery in Fitzroy.

Neometro, the organisation that focuses on design-driven development has provided a space without charge where Utopian Slumps founder, Melissa Loughnan along with Director Brooke Babington and Cultural Adviser Helen Hughes can create SLOPES Art Gallery.

Opening its doors in Fitzroy on November 28, this new gallery will operate for 12 months. Expect a series of rotating exhibitions, changing every four weeks.

What the three women have in common, and what we can expect them to bring to the gallery, is their hunger to find and share with us art that takes risk, that challenges our conception of art and that asks us to reflect and consider what we are seeing. They’re going to do all this in a not-for profit, curator run gallery (spaces that can be few and far between) giving wall space to emerging artists as well as established and international names.  

Head down to the Slopes soon – you’ll like what you see on the walls.


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