Dodging in n’ out of traffic, horns beeping, wafts of aromatic galangal and holy basil filling the air as the neon lights dazzle ‘Massage’ and the music of competing bars pumps out into the night air…You’ll be hit with flashbacks of Thailand as you approach this hot alley way spot in Regent Place.
Senyai is the latest newbie to swing open its weatherboard doors, serving street food on steroids with influences from Siam and Milddle Kingdom thanks to respected Thai master chef Nu.
Lovers of street omelettes will rejoice with melt in the mouth mussels enveloped in crunchy egg, topped with Siracha and bean sprouts (Hoi Tord). Clusters of crispy school prawns (Goong Foi Tord) and an inventive Thai twist on prawn ravioli (Po Pia Jann) are original and fun whilst the laksa arrives with bundles of ingredients for a DIY dinner.
Barramundi is a lilo of heaven on its spicy red curry sea. Save room for sticky rice with coconut custard but OMG it’s the roti pancakes doused with lashings of sugar and addictive condensed milk that will have you saying “aroi” or “aroi mak mak mak” (delicious or v.v.v delicious)!
You’ll be romanced by more than just Asian love songs in a restaurant which has been re-assembled piece by piece from a teak house in Samut Songkhram, Bankgok. It’s bursting with Thai paraphernalia from ‘Cock’ batteries to Tiger Balm.
If you thought a tuk tuks are fun … grab your friends, a bottle of wine (BYO for a limited time) and go on a salty, sweet, hot, sour taste bud adventure.
486 Kent Street, Regent Place Sydney 2000
Open 11am-11.30pm
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