For 50 generations, the sacred teachings of aloha have been passed down from Kumu (teachers) to haumana (students). Rather than a belief system, it’s a way of life; about being and living in the moment, and letting go of judgement, fear and limitations.
Kumu Lawrence Aki is a 50th generation Hawaiian man who has spent his life dedicated to aloha, an unconditional love for all things in the universe, and ho’oponopono (to make right). His first student Haumana Brandon Kawika Foster made a lifetime commitment to learning in 2007. Both men are from Molokai – considered the centre from which all spiritual knowledge has sprung – and will be leading a tw0-and-a-half-day workshop in the Melbourne suburb of Elsternwick from Friday evening.
Because 2012 is such an important year spiritually, much of the workshop will focus on what makes these 12 months so special. More importantly the organisers promise that as an attendee you’ll learn much about yourself, discover new ways of thinking and living pono (righteously), and have the opportunity to grow.
Live the Sacred Teachings of Aloha workshop
Friday 2 March – Sunday 4 March 2012
Cost: $660
For more information and bookings, or 0425 740 282
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