Now it’s time to go down the Rabbit Hole for the Chippendale gallery’s 10th exhibition – a large-scale show-cum-anniversary bash.
Step inside and amidst a collage of looming works spanning painting-sculpture, mechanical art, sensor videos, and installations. On the first floor you’ll encounter Shyu Ruey-Shiann’s Eight Drunk Immortals, an octad of spidery robots scribbling moody dreamscapes on the ground. A stray Huntsman seems cutesy in comparison.
Other key works come form Xu Zhen, Tu Wei-Cheng, and the Madein Company with their giant cathedral Play – made entirely of leather fetish gear. If you’ve got a weak stomach, suck it up for He Yunchang’s can’t-miss One Metre of Democracy, for which the artist took a poll on whether he should let a surgeon cut a meter-long incision in his side. Spoiler alert: they all voted ‘yes’.
You don’t get more cutting-edge than that.
You’re late, you’re late, for one hell of a 10th anniversary date.
White Rabbit Gallery, 30 Balfour St, Chippendale, NSW 2008
6 March 6 – 3 August 2014
Thursday – Sunday, 10am – 6pm