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Red Team Re-boot

Red Team Re-boot

You haven’t been counting calories of late but now, it’s the new year and an apt time to reveal the new you.

Get a head start and enlist Red Team. Run by a fit and furiously dedicated bunch these are the folks to take away the intimidation and replace it with your determination. 

Not to be confused with personal training Re-Boot is team-based group training. The theory makes a whole lot of sense; overcome that little voice in your head (that idle yet persistent one that presses the snooze button and can thwart starting a program).

You’ll find yourself to be part of a team. Not known by your usual title you’ll score a nickname and be engaged as an integral part to not only achieving your personal best but encouraging the peak performance of others.

It’s high fives all round with accountability, communication and the old faithful teamwork term. Guys and girls of all ages and fitness levels. None of this silo-style work-out sessions you see in the gyms. The music is as much a part of the team. They’ll also whip up a Red-Beats mix from the sessions to remind your inner animal when you’re training on your own.

Each four-week session you book into, Red Team send you home with a piece of their branded equipment to keep your attention. The more re-boot camps you complete, the more equipment you can collect. Sweet.

Throw in a nutritional bible and really you’re on your road loving a lean 2012.

Red Team

6-8 Willis Street Hampton (1st Hampton Scout Hall)
T: 0404 530 393

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