Raising the XtendBarre

Forget bouquets of roses and long-winded conversation — we all know what women really want is the body of a dancer.

Enter Xtend Barre, the full-body immersion workout that makes Pilates look like its been spending too much time in its office swivvly chair.

Combining ballet and Pilates, with a few light weights and a bit of floor work thrown into the mix, Xtend Barre chisels your whole body dancer-slim proportionally. Yep, even those tricky parts you not-so-endearingly refer to as love handles and saddle bags.

The first Sydney studio is run by a team of instructors boasting dance resumes sprinkled with words like “Moulin Rouge Paris” and “full cert STOTT Pilates instructor”. After just 55 minutes at the barre with them you’re guaranteed to be sweaty, hot and walking on legs wobblier than jelly in a broken fridge, and you know what that means — a long, lean physique and a resounding sense of satisfaction.

For something super new (first class this Friday 6 July), try the Pilates Stick session. A core-challenging way to bring everything you know and love from your Reformer and Cadillac Pilates sessions to a different setting. You use straps and springs for arms and legs stretching and toning exercises, working on spinal mobility and stability.

Hit the barre, not the bar, this winter. 

Xtend Barre Sydney
Level 4, 73 York Street, Sydney, NSW 2000
T: 02 8065 1707

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