We’ve rounded up the highlights of the ten-day long word storm for you:
Heard of Skype Slam? This is where local and international poets go head to head (or should that be word against word) for a tri-nation event showcasing the best of Scotland’s Stanza Poetry festival and Singapore’s festival “Lit Up” and Australian poets.
Perhaps you’d like to visit the Poetronica event, which is a selection of Australian “Voems” (or video-poems) featuring ABC Radio National’s Mike Ladd showcasing a special presentation.
If you’re a lover of pod casts, then this launch event will suit you; Melbourne poets will guide visitors around the places that have inspired them with pod casts shown at Loop Bar.
If poetry conjures up images of Shakespearean historians, dandy gentleman wooing their loved ones or even the crude rhyming poetry on greeting cards, you’re in for a real treat when the festival begins mid September.
Melbourne Overload Poetry Festival
10 -19 September 2010