Home Articles Get Your James Bond On at Papa Gedes

Get Your James Bond On at Papa Gedes

Get Your James Bond On at Papa Gedes


Your closest encounter with voodoo is most likely Baron Samedi and Solitaire in James Bond’s Live and Let Die. As the world anticipates the next Bond movie, get yourself down to the award winning Papa Gedes Bar as it launches a new line in cocktail witchcraft.

Decked out in New Orleans and Caribbean chic; guilt sofas, dramatic palm leaf black walls, voodoo artefacts of skulls, bones and rope adorn the walls. The “Try Before You Die” blackboard wall is a good indication that, if this really is your last night…it will be a very happy ending.


Lust and laughter is brought to life with a ‘Summer Saint’ – a blend of vodka, pressed pear, cucumber, mint and thyme elixir. We will have two please! It’s practically a health drink. Alternatively ‘Tiki Outlaw’ is a glass of tropical love; beautifully balanced and dangerously addictive mix of agricole rum, coconut, mango, lime and Peychaud’s Bitters. If Ned Kelly was alive this would be his poison.


With service this smooth, skilled and seductive it’s a good job there are a few snacks to keep you sustained. Peanut butter pretzels should be followed by a blood red bowl of deconstructed chorizo hash deliciously spreadable with micro herbs and pickles, then a cheese platter of NSW Cacciatorini salami, Warrnambool cheddar and Meredith goats cheese which will supply life giving qualities.


The loved Gede voodoo family famously know how to party; worshiped for their foul mouths, provocative dancing and goofy ways this bar is a sure fire way to have lots of fun.


Papa Gedes
348 Kent Street, Sydney – find them down the laneway at the rear
Mondays – Fridays 4pm – 12am, Saturday  5pm – 12am

Photos: Parker Blain

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