If these walls could talk it would be the equivalent of an Andrew Denton series. Wallpaper made of heritage SMH papers, old clocks and retro hanging wall lights to trees, open brickwork and coloured tiles create an edible New York street scene with homely touches.
Need help with what to do once you are inside? A huge sign above the bar shouts ‘Oysters’. There’s no menu; it’s a newspaper with a double page spread on the big ‘O’. From Rock to Pacific to the supermodels of the sea Angassi the range is bigger than Australia’s Great Divide. Freshly shucked to order; the salty, creamy shelled aphrodisiacs go perfectly with a glass of Pommery.
Modern classics are revved up in a celebration of cuisine which is all about on the bone or in the shell. Think Pepe Saya butter smothered over chewy sourdough, crab and lettuce tacos, fluffy feather light gnocchi which really do look like pillows, grain fed loin chops licked by flame and carrots your grandma would approve of.
Take your Raspberry Cheesecake into The Conservatory with a Ramandolo and make a toast under the stars to a place which took a million decisions to create but delivers a charmed seamless performance.
The Morrison
225 George Street Sydney 2000
T: 02 9247 6744
Open: Mon – Wed 11.30am – midnight, Thurs 11.30am – 1am, Fri 11.30am – 2am
Sat 11.30am – 2am, Sunday –CLOSED