MCA on The Rocks: Ideas Shaken and Stirred

Good art should make you think, but it should also make you talk. And while your mum might have told you to keep your trap shut in lieu of anything nice to say, art and etiquette rarely go hand in hand. 

Hence the premise of the MCA’s new talk show inspired series, which uses recent exhibitions as a springboard from which to dive into a conversational collage of ideas.

The inaugural season will be hosted by professional art junkie Fenella Kerneborne, who will be dexterously picking apart themes present in Anish Kapoor, South of no North: Laurence Aberhart, William Eggleston, Noel McKenna and JEFF WALL photographs.

Thought Anish Kapoor could have made an equally hefty dent in your headspace while working on a less gargantuan scale? Well here’s your chance to rip into the “bigger is better” adage. Ditto if you’re sick of people hating on your suburban hometown, or — not for lack of cultural currency — you’re really just not buying the idea of contemporary art. 

It’s a lecture, but not as you know it. 

MCA on The Rocks
Veolia Lecture Theatre, Museum of Contemporary Art, 140 George Street, Sydney, NSW 2000
21 March 2013
6.30pm – 8pm
$20/$15 MCA Members and Concessions, ticket price includes a glass of wine

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