Market evolution

Up & Coming Design Expo
Sniffing around the weekend markets are for those with a nose for undiscovered talent. And there’s a whole bunch of design graduates who are keen to be sought out. A design expo dedicated to combining the two is making your search and acquire missions much easier.

In its second year, the Up & Coming Design Expo has shifted its focus from funky furniture to cutting-edge designer fashions, continuing Paddington Markets’ tradition of nurturing young talent, from the early days of Bracewell, Pablo Nevada, and Lisa Ho.

The latest crop of graduates is a product of the times, with a keen interest to reduce environmental impact while staying kind to the hip pocket. Take Jennie Smith for example. She breathes news life into old curtains by whipping up gorgeously patterned handbags. Boat builder Matt Christie turns to nature for his inspiration, fossicking on the beach for driftwood to shape into earthy lamps.

Up & Coming, coming up soon.

Up & Coming Design Expo
Thursday 23 April – Saturday 25 April 2009
Paddington Uniting Church, 395 Oxford Street, Paddington 2021
Free entry


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