MAArvelous Millinery

It’s time to make a stand.

For too long has ‘headwear’ been content to denote only a silk scarf or the odd narrow-brimmed trilby.

Too long have our heads been bereft of feathers and frills; our finest sinamay and raffia only allowed the occasional trackside summer fling before being confined to its lonely rack.

No more – the Millinery Association of Australia (yes, there’s an association) are stepping in, and inviting you to get behind this most MAArvelous Millinery cause.  

This October 3rd marks the official end of mediocre millinery. Twenty-seven of the finest hat makers in the land will stage a lavish hat-walk parade and host pop-up shops where you can shop the hottest in headwear flair – all while sipping on bubbly and nibbling on delectable canapés.

Perhaps it’s been a while and you’re feeling a little rusty, in which case there’ll be milliners on hand to guide you through each style. On the wilder end is a special jungle-themed performance from DANCECENTRE wearing specially crafted animal inspired pieces, and the most confident of millinery maniacs are encouraged to ‘dress to impress’ for a chance the $350 voucher prize.

Even more marvelous? A percentage of your ticket price goes towards Rotary’s Hat Day for mental health research.

MAArvelous Millinery
3 October 2013
6.30pm for 7pm show
Leopard Lounge, Melbourne Zoo, Elliott Avenue, Parkville, VIC 3052

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