keen on kino

It’s like an open mic night for filmmakers. Kino’s monthly meetings are your chance to make a creative leap forward in to the world of short films.

At Kino, anyone can be a movie maker. No equipment? Borrow stuff here. No crew? Meet enthusiastic actors / editors / camera people. No money? Pass around the oily rag for a sniff.

Organiser, Mathieu Ravier, claims it’s the missing link in Sydney’s film scene, filling the gap between AFTRS or Metro Screen training, and professional short film festivals like Tropfest.

Filmmakers seem to agree. Kino’s popularity has grown so much that this week will be the last in the original venue before moving to a much bigger space. You’ll have to try a more traditional introduction now that you’ll no longer be sitting on your neighbouring filmmaker’s lap during screenings.

That’s the beauty of Kino. With a non-judgemental and supportive spirit, the filmmakers are the audience. And vice versa. You make it and Kino will screen it – easy done. Here are some films that others have been brave enough to offer.

Don’t think, just shoot.

Kino Sydney

Kino #13 – 6.30pm, Monday 19 May 2008, Chalkhorse Gallery, 56 Cooper Street, Surry Hills 2010 
Kino #14 – 6.30pm, Monday 23June 2008, Black & Blue Gallery, 302/267-271 Cleveland Street, Redfern 2016

$10 includes snacks, wine and beer.


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