Home Featured Our Favourite Places to Get Your Juice Cleanse Fix in Sydney

Our Favourite Places to Get Your Juice Cleanse Fix in Sydney

Our Favourite Places to Get Your Juice Cleanse Fix in Sydney

Spring is here and summer is not too far away. This often means our taste buds are looking for something fresher. Enter juice. While we can all pretend we have the time and equipment to whip up amazing juices as we fly out the door, most of us don’t. We’ve rounded up some of the best juices and cleanses around Sydney so you can get your fix of fruit and vegetables, on the run.  


Pressed Juices

Cold pressed juices are served up in beautiful surroundings at Pressed Juices. In very pretty bottles as well.  A hydraulic press juicer makes their juices and it’s as close to raw as you can get. For those who like their vegetables and fruits together the Greens 2 is a winner: apple, celery, cucumber, kale, lemon, lettuce, parsley and spinach.

Stores in Mosman and Surry Hills www.pressedjuices.com.au

natural detox

Natural Detox Drinks by The Goodness Company

Each Natural Detox Drink is full of living natural ingredients combined with a bloat-busting pro-biotic component made from green tea, blended not juiced to ensure no nutrients slip away. Concoctions comprise 100% organic raw plant-based superfoods packed with nutrients, minerals and omega fatty acids — think acai, kale, cacao, goji berries and anything else that could have been pilfered from the contents of Miranda Kerr’s shopping trolley.

Delivered straight to Sydney doors in cool packs twice weekly, or purchased at selected health food stores in Sydney and Southern Highlands.


orchard st

Orchard Street

There’s plenty of liquid gold(ish-green) being squeezed at Orchard Street. Their 3-5 day liquid cleanses are chemical free, alkaline, raw and vegan, made from 100% certified organic produce. Organic means no nasties added with a greater nutrient profile.  Orchard Street folks know that it can be a little tough on new-to-kale palates, so they offer extra support during the ‘transition’ periods in and out of your cleanse. The ‘Signature’ cleanse is the one you want if you’re new to cleansing. Opt for ‘Pure if you know fruit doesn’t agree with your stomach. The ‘Green’ if you’re a pro.


lucky you

Lucky You

Lucky You have been juicing for around five years now – they’ve built some serious coldpressed muscle. On each day of your juice cleanse six nutritionally dense juices and one morning elixir gets packed into jars and delivered in your very own LYC cooler bag with instructions on how to start eliminating toxins. Lucky You. 


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