Hyper about Hypoxi

New CBD hypoxi salon opens

So, you know the girl that has it all ‘together’ – great career, picture perfect family, cracking social life and killer wardrobe? Today we’re revealing how she manages to fit in a fitness regime as well (we’ll cover having it all another time). It’s because she’s discovered Hypoxi.

Hypoxi’s founder, Dr Norbert Egger, recognised that if he could stimulate blood flow to a specific region of the body, he could accelerate the rate at which fatty acids were metabolised in that region. Dr Egger and his team of physicians then created a device that coupled exercise with a therapy which could increase blood flow to certain parts of the body. A workout in a vacuum was the result.

The beauty is that in 30 minutes x three times each week, your workout is done. And in that time you can catch up the latest glossies or watch TV during your Hypoxi session. Just don’t be alarmed that you’ll need to work out. Physical activity is, after all, critical to burning fat.

You’ll be introduced to the L250 or S120 machines if you want to target a reduction in your lower stomach, hips, buttocks and thighs. Or the HypoxiDermology VacuMassage (a deep-tissue massage, founded on basic cupping principles) if you’re wanting to firm skin tone and improve texture.

You’ll typically find Hypoxi treatments in a private, professional environment. Since we first introduced you to Hypoxi, there’s been a fast growing network of locations – the latest which can be found in the heart of Sydney CBD; owned and operated by the same husband and wife duo from Hypoxi Neutral Bay.

Lunctime workout, to go.

HYPOXI Studio Sydney CBD
Level 1, 66A Erskine Street, Sydney 2000
T (02) 9299 0003

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