Has feminism failed?

Were you the debate champion at school? Do you get into heated dinner table discussions regularly? You may not realise that there’s many others like you who love to discuss the big topics and they all belong to Intelligence Squared; an informative series of live debates held throughout Australia that offer controversial and always entertaining nights out.

The latest installment “Has feminism failed?” is coming to Melbourne and is run by the St James Ethics Centre and the Wheeler Centre for Books, Writing and Ideas.

With past generations fighting for feminism and current generations shunning the very concept, you have to wonder what feminism means in today’s society? Our first ever-female prime minister has officially taken over the reigns and yet sexual harassment lawsuits are still rife in the media.

Providing food for thought, the line-up to debate this issue includes journalist, Jennifer Byrne, writer Monica Dux, founding member of the Women’s Electoral Lobby, Wendy McCarthy, founder of Crikey, Stephen Mayne and Age Journalist Gay Alcorn.

However, it’s not just about the speaker’s opinions on this topic. In a traditional Oxford style debate, three speakers per side argue their thoughts whilst the audience gets to vote before and after hearing both sides, so each debate can monitor how the speakers may have swayed the results.

So, has feminism failed? Lend me your ears…

Intelligence Squared, Feminism Has Failed
Wednesday 22 September 2010, 6.30-8.30pm
Melbourne Town Hall, corner of Swanston & Collins Streets, Melbourne 3000

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