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Harris Coffee

Harris Coffee

harris coffee espresso martiniHarris Coffee is turning 130 this year and not surprisingly, coffee obsession is not just their own.

In a recent survey Harris Coffee found that 5.9 million Aussies wake up with a cup of coffee and as a nation we spend $2.9 billion a year on our daily brew.

Talk about passion – when people were asked what they’d sacrifice for a cup of coffee, a staggering 15% of Australians were happy to pass on their morning shower, instead of missing out on that first cup of the day, while others claimed they’d happily relinquish the right for 24 hours to interact on social media (1.6 million), eat breakfast (1.3 million) and use their mobile phone (1.1 million).

It’s OK Australia, we understand your devotion and to prove it we thought we’d share one of our favourite treats – the Espresso Martini.

Harris Master Roaster, Daniel Vergnano tastes up to 80 coffees a day to get the blends just right (we’ll drink to that!) so we love to use Harris’ Espresso coffee for this decadent drink.

Enjoy, and Happy birthday Harris!

Espresso Martini Recipe

30ml Freshly ground and brewed Harris Espresso coffee

45ml Good quality vodka. You can also use vanilla vodka if you’d like

15ml Kahlua liquor 10ml Sugar Syrup

5ml Maraschino cherry juice (optional, but the secret ingredient in our eyes)

Pour ingredients into shaker filled with ice, shake vigorously, and strain into chilled martini glass. It should have a nice ‘’crema” froth like an espresso. Top with a couple of fresh coffee beans and serve. 

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