All selections are made with care and underpinned by a sincere love for the love of wine. Beyond this lies the additional chance to have a go at some rare sake and some even rarer spirits. Both rarity and quality will be sky high.
Joel Amos (DRNKS) and the effortless pairing of Kenneth Graham and Jake Smyth (Mary’s, The Unicorn) will be hosting on the day. Jake and Kenny will have a bar on the go throughout, meaning the tasting extends beyond the tasting and you can keep the candle burning at the good end.
Slide past for a beer or dip into a wine list that will be switching up every hour. Although a pretty booze-centric event, there will also be food. So much food of such reverence that “pundits” are tipping “bucketloads” of “the mad gear”. The infamous Mary’s will have a stall ticking over all day long and Icebergs’ Maurice Terzini and Monty Koludrovic will be gradually building towards a Mortadella
crescendo right next door. Buon appetito muchacho.
If you can picture the above mentioned event happening anywhere outside your wildest dreams, then picture this: it’s on at the National Art School’s Cell Block Theatre and surrounding courtyards, a true Sydney gem.
Great wines don’t happen overnight, they’re made.
Mental Notes
Saturday, 30th April 2016, 3-6pm
National Art School Cell Block Theatre