Fright Night

Paranormal activity at The Wheeler Centre
Remember sitting around the campfire toasting marshmallows and telling ghost stories? You’d feel a sense of dread as you brushed your teeth and jumped at each lurking shadow. Yet you couldn’t pull yourself away from the spine tingling story that both delighted and frightened you.

Relive that very same feeling in the comfort of The Wheeler Centre where a series of terrifying horror stories, performances and live musical acts will congregate to scare you to death (temporarily anyway.)

The Imperial Panda is curating this fright night and if it’s like their previous events (Erotic Fan Fiction sold out during the Sydney Writers Festival) we are in for a treat. Written and performed by Nick Coyle, Rita Kalnejais and more, this performance will also have live murder ballads from Miles O’Neil of The Suitcase Royale.

Just think of how rich your scare stories will be at your next campfire gathering.

Fright Night
Friday 22 October 2010, 6.15 – 7.15pm
The Wheeler Centre, 176 Little Lonsdale Street, Melbourne
Free event but bookings required


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