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Ecofy organic home delivered

Ecofy organic home delivered

Why is being good so much harder than being, well ‘not so good’? Consistent workouts, cleaning the house, and cooking versus takeaway; it all takes effort, skill and organisation that at times you lack the energy for.

The upside is that being good just got a little easier with Ecofy, an online store that sells certified organic fresh food, meat, groceries, cotton clothing and linen, non-toxic cleaning liquids and baby and personal care products.

Delivering to a large number of Sydney suburbs every Thursday afternoon, you’ll arrive home to find a box full of healthy goodness – seasonal organic fruit, veges and herbs, organic whole chickens, eggs and baked-to-order Sonoma bread – just in time to avert the pre-weekend horrors of empty fridge meets messy house.

Ecofy won’t bolster your resolve to exercise, help you sleep eight hours a night or encourage you to drink fewer cocktails but it can help you eat better and live a more planet-friendly life.

Why organic? The Cree Indians said it best:
‘Only after the last tree has been cut down.
Only after the last river has been poisoned.
Only after the last fish has been caught.
Only then will you find that money cannot be eaten.’

T: 0413 875 846

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