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Creative Sydney

Creative Sydney

My, my, we are a creative lot. We have stories to tell and the means to voice them. And we’d have to if we’re to host Vivid Sydney – the biggest festival of music, light and ideas in the Southern Hemisphere.

Creative Sydney, the ‘ideas’ component of the four-part festival runs for three weeks starting 27 May.  It means you, along with architects, artists, marketers, musicians, fashion folk, gamers, photographers, writers, journalists and the like, have unprecedented access to talks, performances, exhibitions and seminars showcasing local creative industries.

Seeking insight on what makes Sydney artistically tick? Three Minute Sydney is where some of our city’s big personalities will share their opinions on what Sydney means to them and it could have in potential.

Want to know how to make friends and influence the right people? Come together: The new creative networks is for you.

Behind the Screens shines a high beam on the collaborative processes within a film production house.  And Back My Project is where emerging talent will pitch creative ideas Dragon’s Den-style.

However your story is told, here’s a festival of ideas to help it get heard.

Creative Sydney
27 May – 13 June 2009
Museum of Contemporary Art and The Roxy Parramatta

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